Frequently Asked Questions
Getting started on UploadOnce
How do I access UploadOnce?
Can I see an overview of the system?
Yes, an overview of the system, including each of the parties to your transaction and screens they can see is available from:
I signed up to UploadOnce yet didn’t receive an email confirmation
You should receive an email from us within an hour after registration. If not, check the below:
- The email may still be in transit
- Your email account regarded your welcome email as junk or spam - check your Junk folder
- A corporate firewall blocked it, ask your IT Administrator to make sure emails from aren’t being blocked
If it’s not any of the above, contact us to investigate.
Who can access UploadOnce?
UploadOnce is available as a secure, online document management tool for parties doing business together. Users are defined as:
- Service providers: the people servicing clients. E.g: broker, lawyer, salesperson
- Clients: the party providing documents and information to a service provider so they can get access to a service – generally a consumer
- 3rd parties: anyone a client or service provider asks to provide documents on a client’s behalf. For example, an accountant, real estate agent, employer, or even a family member
How much does it cost to use UploadOnce?
Clients and 3rd parties do not pay to use UploadOnce. Service Providers are charged according the Pricing Plan they have selected.
What system requirements are needed?
UploadOnce works on most web browsers and there is no need to download applications or install software.
- Google Chrome offers the best experience, full functionality and has Adobe Flash and PDF built-in. Safari and Internet Explorer allows you to perform most tasks
- Enable Cookies, Pop Ups and Java Scripts
- Set screen resolution to 1024 x 800, and 1200 x 800 for tablets
- Install the latest version of Flash for video and multi-media files
- UploadOnce accepts files in jpg, png, tiff, doc, bmp, docx, pdf, csv, txt, xls, xlsx, tif formats
Overview for people logged in as clients
Can I please have an overview of the system?
Yes, an overview of the system, and the screens available to each person usong the system is available from:
What’s the difference between a client and a 3rd party?
- Client is someone who has been asked to provide documents by a Service Provider in order to request a service - generally a consumer.
- 3rd party is someone a Client asks to provide documents on their behalf e.g. accountant, real estate, bank or employer – or even a family member.
How am I, as a client informed about UploadOnce?
Once a service provider starts to do business with you, you will receive an email inviting you to register and upload documents and information required.
What other steps are involved?
Once you receive the welcome email to use UploadOnce, and agree to use the site, there are a few steps:
- Editing profiles: each individual user can edit personal details within their profile. To save you time, this information is used to automatically populate in communications. You can change information in the emails if you wish.
- Uploading documents: when you upload the required files into a document request, your service provider can then access and check the files to ensure they are suitable
- Cross checking documents: Your service providers may insert feedback or questions if there are additional requirements, the incorrect document was provided or a more suitable document is required.
- 3rd parties: you or your service provider can ask a 3rd party to upload documents on your behalf. You will need to approve documents uploaded by anyone else, by selecting ‘Click to approve’ within the document request. Your service provider cannot see a document until you attach the document to their Document Request.
How does a client select documents a 3rd party needs to upload?
When you select ‘assign to a 3rd party’, you will see an auto-populated email listing documents required by your service provider.
Tick the documents you need someone else to provide and the request will be sent to this 3rd party. There is no limit to how many people you request documents from.
In what format can files be uploaded?
UploadOnce accepts files in jpg, png, tiff, doc, bmp, docx, pdf, csv, txt, xls, xlsx, tif formats.
What types of categories can be selected?
- Identification. For example passport, driver’s licence
- Income. For example payslip, rental statement
- Assets. For example bank accounts, property title
- Liabilities. For example credit card statement, loan documents
- Expenses. For example rent
- Other. For example application forms or statutory declarations
How does a client find documents after a 3rd party loads them?
Go to your document request and select ‘Click to approve’ to make this file accessible to a service provider.
All files loaded to a client’s profile are saved under ‘My file’ in their profile. UploadOnce automatically names a document when it is loaded, based on the information in the document request.
Can a service provider see all my files?
No. Only you have access to files uploaded by you or a 3rd party on your behalf and you control which files are available to others. All your files are saved in ‘My file’.
Files loaded must be attached to a document request if you would like a service provider to see the file.
Editing profiles
Once you have logged into UploadOnce, you can edit your profile. Other user can not change details on your individual profile.
Address book
Your address book automatically lists in every person you have a relationship when using UploadOnce.
You can delete entries if you like.
Overview for people logged in as service providers
How does the site work?
Below are are few steps outlined. Alternatively, click here to see an overview of the system:
- Your profile: select ‘Register’ and complete the required fields. Tip: Some of the information you include here will automatically appear on communications to save your time and effort
- Creating client profiles: when a client is ready to do business, select ‘Client New’ and enter their email address to create a profile – you can insert other details to make it easier for your clients. These details will automatically appear in your address book. Tip: clients receive an welcome email inviting them to register to use UploadOnce, agree to its terms of use and can upload the documents you need via the Document Request
- Uploading documents: There are several templates you can use to request documents or you can create your own template. The more information you insert into a document request, the easier it is for the system to do the subsequent administration work for you and your clients. When clients upload a file to a document request, the file is stored in a secure Australian data centre and you can both access the file via the internet.
- Cross checking documents: review what’s been supplied and if anything is unsuitable, insert comments to guide your client or questions for your client to read.
- Meeting compliance: You can edit documents to ensure they meet compliance needs e.g.: remove TFNs, personal information
Errors entering a client’s email address
Contact us and we will delete the profile. You then start again with the correct email address.
What if incorrect client details are entered?
To ensure information is correct and secure, only clients can update and change details in their profile.
Service providers can edit their own profiles only.
Selecting documents a client or 3rd party needs to upload
To save time, in ‘Documents Request’ there are several templates with categories listing frequently requested documents.
You can tailor the templates by selecting the category and document type you need your client provide. The system will emails this request to the client. If they don’t have a document, you can also send a request to a 3rd party.
We recommend deleting unnecessary documents by clicking on the cross to the right each row within the template.
What types of categories can be selected?
- Identification. For example passport, driver’s licence
- Income. For example payslip, rental statement
- Assets. For example bank accounts, property title
- Liabilities. For example credit card statement, loan documents
- Expenses. For example rent
- Other. For example application forms or statutory declarations
In what format can files be uploaded?
UploadOnce accepts files in jpg, png, tiff, doc, bmp, docx, pdf, csv, txt, xls, xlsx, tif formats.
What happens to documents after a client loads them?
UploadOnce automatically names a document when it is loaded, based on the details provided in the document request.
All files loaded to a client’s profile are saved under ‘My file’ in their profile.
To make a file in their profile accessible to a service provider, the client must selects ‘Click to approve’ within the document request before the file is available for you to review.
My client doesn’t have a particular file
You or your client can select the ‘Assign to a 3rd party’ tab to send an email requesting documents to a person the client do business with or a family member.
For example, client Joe needs his FY12 Tax Assessment yet can’t find it. He selects ‘Assign to 3rd party’ and asks his accountant (the 3rd party) to upload it.
The system asked for 2 references – what is that?
To make things easier to find, UploadOnce requires a dedicated reference for each file.
- External reference: this reference will appear on communications to clients. We suggest using something clients can relate to about the business dealings. For example, if your transaction relates to a property settlement, use the property address.
- Internal reference: only you will see this reference. If your internal business systems generate a unique identifier number, you may find it useful to insert this number. If not, you can also use the external reference.
Address book
A personal address book in every account automatically lists people users have a relationship when using UploadOnce, entries can be deleted.
Are reports available?
Contact us to access activity reports for auditing or other purposes.
Can multiple profiles use one email address?
Yes - anyone can be a service provider, client or 3rd party.
Once you log into the system, you can change roles by selecting the menu under your name in the top right.
Information on the screens including your dashboard and addressbook will display according to your role.
Tip: if you have multiple roles, the system will default to your service provider profile to protect your personal details.
How secure is UploadOnce?
UploadOnce is built with the sole purpose to store and file documents online, so security is a priority. Our measures to protect personal information include:
- Compliance with Australia’s Payment Card Industry Data Security (PCI) and ISO standards.
- Files stored on Australian servers
- Unique user log-on and password ensures strict access to files according to permissions
- Internal audits log user activity and data changes
- Regular back-ups
- Terms and conditions stipulate a user’s responsibilities around security and personal information. Visitors see website terms, while users also see Terms of Service.
- We review the site for activity and address security issues promptly.
Once a document is filed in UploadOnce, who can see it?
Access to files is tailored based on individual user log on and passwords.
Users can’t see or access other user’s documents or data unless they provide another person with permission.
Clients can see all files loaded to their profile by themselves, or users doing do on their behalf. Clients allow access to files and documents to their service provider by selecting ‘Click to approve’ within a document request.
When a client asks a 3rd party to load documents to the system, the client can view these documents, however 3rd parties cannot see documents already filed in the client’s profile.
I think my account has been accessed by someone else
Change your password immediately and contact us so we can investigate. Remember – never share your log-on or password with anyone.